“I'm so happy! I feel like my new photos have taken my website to a whole new level.” During our implementation call, my client, Christa of Christa Davis Coaching, was telling me how she has already used some of the images from her session to …
brand photographer
I need to wait until… to show up as your amazing self!
How long do you think you need to wait to really show up as your amazing self? How many years did it take for you to show up as your amazing self? 1 year? 3 years? 10 years? If you’ve read some of my recent content, you may already know that it …
Are you “in love” with your brand?
What makes your brand different from others in your industry? I don’t celebrate Valentine’s Day. Before you feel sorry for me, let me just say that I have never been a fan of that holiday ever since I was a kid in grade school. Remember those …