Are you using EMOTIONS in your images to connect with your ideal audience?
Humans connect with each other through emotions! That’s precisely why effective storytelling is so freakin’ powerful! The use of emotion to promote your business with personal brand photography is the fastest way to connect on a deeper level with your ideal client. Most content that uses images on your website, in social media, newsletters and other promotional platforms will resonate and engage your audience using emotion coupled with your story.
Storytelling pulls people into the world that you have created for them and brings out emotions that make people hang on the edge of their seats, waiting for more!
I’m not the only person talking about using storytelling and emotion in your online promotion. Here’s an article called “How to Use The Power of storytelling to Connect With Your Audience”, which highlights the power of storytelling. This article underscores the huge importance of using storytelling and emotions given the massive amounts of noise in the online world these days.
Take some time to think about your ideal audience and what keeps them up at night, or what change do they want to see in their business and their life? These emotions can help you figure out what types of images you’ll need from your personal brand photography session.
Here’s an example…
The client in this image is a PR agent who helps authors get publicity so they can sell loads of books and get on the NY Times Best Seller list.
She wanted people to see the joy that they would experience when they get placed on big-name media outlets and see their book sales soar!
So, we brought in one of her friends to serve as her client. During her personal brand photography session, my client told her “client” all about the major media outlets she was placed in and how many books she had already sold, etc.
Can you feel what she is feeling when you see this image?
Helpful Tips on Using Emotion
If you don’t know how this might work for you, brainstorm the following:
- Does the title of my article make people feel a certain way when they hear it?
- What about the themes and stories that I explore in my content – do certain emotions keep coming up consistently?
- How do I want people to feel once they have read my blog or article?
- What parts of my personality would translate well into a positive emotion that I want my audience to have?
Here’s a great LIST of emotions you might want to try on for size when you are thinking about images to create to promote your personal brand or business website:
• joyous
• contented
• peaceful
• excited
• hopeful
• curious
• enthusiastic
• relieved
• energetic
• relaxed
• loving
• surprised
• elated
• humorous
• interested
• playful
• rested
• confident
• assured
Have Fun
Be sure to throw in a bit of creativity, your personal touch and most importantly…have FUN, after all this is YOUR business!
If you are not sure about how to use storytelling and emotions in your images or want more help? Grab a time on my calendar for a quick chat! I am ALWAYS happy to help you figure out what is right for YOU.