I wanted to share with everyone something that happened last week that was a first for me. I was on a radio show!
Listen here:
As a member of Awesome Women Entrepreneurs (AWE) I have met some incredible business women who have been so helpful and motivating as I build my business. One of the founders of AWE, Karen Bate, asked me to be on their radio show to talk about what personal brand photography is and why it’s important for entrepreneurs trying to grow their business and their brand.
Evelyn Powers hosted the show this time around and we really had a blast together. She’s a total hoot!
We talked a little beforehand about what questions she was planning to ask. She also counseled me that even though the show is about 25 minutes, it would go really fast and we probably wouldn’t even get to everything. Boy was she right! I felt like the time just flew by.
Ultimately, I wished that I had the chance to give some tips and advice to the listeners about the types of images they should include in their social media, website and other online platforms. I wanted to explain a bit more about how to I wanted to discuss how business owners should select a photographer, how they should prepare for their session etc. etc.
But…maybe that’s a bit too much info for a short radio show, right?
Well, not to worry, stay tuned to this blog for much, much more about how to use personal brand photography to help you grow your brand, your business and your influence like crazy!
In the meantime, please enjoy the show.