Having a big photo shoot, especially when it comes to your branding, can be both exciting and nerve-wracking.
To me, it’s pretty similar to the first day of school jitters. I was taking my daughter to her first day at a new school last week, and she (and I) were understandably a little nervous. New things always push us outside of our comfort zones, as human beings. But it doesn’t mean they’re bad! Nervous energy comes from the same place in our brains as excited energy. When we make that shift, we’re able to unleash our full potential.
So when I think about photo shoots, whether for branding or any other project, bringing that mindset to it is very helpful. You’ve got this! It’s just another new thing. Let’s do it! The sooner you make the shift from nervous energy to excited energy, the better your shoot will go.
But sometimes it’s hard to shake off nervousness. Sometimes you worry about things for no reason at all, but typically there is something underlying that causes us to feel insecure or nervous.
Here are some tips to help you relax in your photo shoot, no matter what’s making you feel nervous.
Remember why you’re taking these photos in the first place.
The reason for having professional photos taken is so that they can be used to represent you or your brand professionally. So remember that good branding requires vibrant, lively imagery that reflects your work and your personality. Don’t let nervousness keep you from being your true self during the shoot—it will show in the photos!
Why are you doing this photo shoot, anyway? Remind yourself of why brand images are so important to you, and what having them means for your goals and your big vision. When you think about it like that, it becomes easier to relax and show the best side of yourself!
Invest in some new outfits, if necessary.
It can be really helpful to buy or borrow some new outfits for your shoot. Just as buying a new outfit before an important job interview can help you feel more confident in yourself, having cute new clothes to wear during your shoot will help you feel great about being photographed.
You don’t need to spend a lot on new outfits (unless of course this is part of your brand), but it’s nice if they’re comfortable and reflect the vibe that you want people to get from your images.
Definitely make sure to try on all outfits at least a week prior to your session and see how they fit and the way they fall on your body, especially while sitting down. Doing this ahead of time means you will have enough time to figure out alternative options if you don’t like something you’ve selected.
Pack your props and outfits several days before!
Make sure that you have everything ready well before your shoot. That way, if you’re feeling nervous about bringing too much stuff or not having the right things with you, then at least you can rest easy—you won’t forget anything!
If you haven’t received guidance from your photographer or a personal stylist prior to your shoot, think through what themes or stories will be photographed during your session. Try to match what you are wearing with the stories and themes so that it makes sense.
For example, if you typically love a more casual look, and much of your story is about being outside in nature, you can leave your evening wear at home. 🙂
Get a good night’s sleep.
I know that this is easier said than done. But it really helps to be well-rested before a shoot, no matter how early your call time will be!
The thing about getting enough sleep is that it’s not just about the number of hours that you get every night. It also has a lot to do with quality of sleep. So before you go to sleep at night, remember to do some relaxing exercises so that you can fall asleep quickly and stay asleep all night.
Some good ways of winding down at the end of a long day are going for a walk or reading a book in the hour right before bedtime. Then when it’s time for lights out, make sure that the room is entirely dark, quiet, and cool. Then you’ll wake up feeling refreshed—and much less nervous!
OH, and make sure to put that phone down at least an hour before you go to bed. You don’t want to start scrolling on social media or reading emails right before bed!
A quick exercise I love doing for stress or nerves is breathing in through my nose for a count of four, holding it for a count of two or three, and then releasing through my mouth for a count of eight.. It really helps relax you if you’re feeling wired!
Bring a comfort item!
I don’t know what this might mean for you, because everyone’s different. But if you love your fuzzy slippers or have a favorite coffee, make sure you bring it to your shoot!
If you’re nervous about something during your shoot, then it can be a huge help to have a comfort item that reminds you of home or helps you relax.
Load up your favorite songs.
If you want to have great energy during your shoot, then it can be really helpful to load up your favorite upbeat songs!
I always recommend choosing songs that make you feel happy and calm. The more familiar the song is for you, the better results you’ll get from listening to it before a tense situation.
It can be really helpful for an assistant (or anyone who’s either working with you and your photographer) to be familiar with your favorite songs and to know when the right moment is for you to play them.
But remember: your photographer doesn’t need any prior warning! They want the photos of you to come out great, and they’ll go out of their way if they can to make sure that happens. So don’t be shy about asking for your comfort item or about telling someone that you need a quick break!
Final Thoughts
Figuring out what makes you feel relaxed and confident during a shoot might take some time. It’s like anything else: the more familiar it is for you, the easier it’ll be!
So experiment with different things before your shoot. And if something works really well for you, then make sure that everyone on set knows about it!
If you’re worried about how to relax during a shoot, then try using these tips. If you can find one or two things that help you feel confident and calm when the pressure’s on, then the result will be brand photos that show the real, confident, beautiful, YOU!
Thinking about a photo shoot for your brand? Get on a call with me to see what’s possible for you!