Have you ever wondered where you should use brand photos?
We did a little research to discover the top 3 places to use your brand images online and here’s what we found:
#3 Use your brand photos on the homepage of your website.
Seems obvious, right?
But here’s where people get stuck – when they only use their headshot on the About page and forget about all the other GREAT real estate on their site that is just screaming for some branded, polished images! Why not use a compelling photo in your hero image at the top of your homepage?
My client Katie Nelson of Sales Uprising did just that! She used the hero space on her homepage to tell a story to her clients about how easy bringing money into their business can be. Her vibrant personality and focus on driving sales are evident in her brand images.
#2 Use your brand photos on Blog Posts & Newsletters
You started a newsletter or blog to connect with your ideal clients regularly so you could stay top of mind, right? The point is to deepen your relationship with your audience each time you send out your newsletter and post your blog content.
So, make those relationships deeper by literally SHOWING up in your blog and newsletter. Ask yourself how you can inject a little bit of your personality in the images you use at the top of your newsletter or within your blog posts.
A great way to figure out what image would go well in your blog post is to think about what emotion you want people to feel once they read it. Then select an image that matches that emotion.
#1 Use your branded photos in your freebies.
Here you can use images that help you illustrate what you are teaching your audience. ALSO, why not include images that help people see the transformation they will have when they follow the steps in your guide?
What emotions do you want them to have after they have implemented your suggestions?
Is it joy, peace, fulfillment, relaxation? Something else?
Think about these transformational emotions and select brand images that will communicate this to your audience.
Send me an email and share with me what does the image in this post communicate to you?
About Melissa
Melissa Henry, CEO of Melissa Demple Photography, helps speakers, authors, and entrepreneurs become KNOWN. Walk away feeling like a rock star with powerful clarity on your personal brand, including unique images that wow your target audience and help you sell out your programs, books and win those coveted keynote spots!
Quoted in Forbes and Entrepreneur and featured in Thrive Global as well as on podcasts such as The Rita Made Me Do It Show, No Fat Cats, and Two Girls Talking, Melissa understands the challenges of standing out in the crowded marketplace and will make sure you & your business do too!
With extensive expertise in consulting and over a decade building her own brand, Melissa provides an extraordinary experience for purpose-driven entrepreneurs who want to become known as experts, thought leaders, and seven-figure business owners.