“I’m so happy! I feel like my new photos have taken my website to a whole new level.”
During our implementation call, my client, Christa of Christa Davis Coaching, was telling me how she has already used some of the images from her session to upgrade her website.
Christa’s zone of genius is in coaching women leaders, dissatisfied with their careers, to gain clarity on what success means for them so that they can create a career or business that is successful on THEIR terms, not anyone else’s.
Before we began working together, Christa had created a successful coaching business through networking and speaking but she realizes that in order to scale her business, she NEEDS to have a larger presence online.
Christa has been posting on social media but was feeling frustrated having to constantly search for the right images to share. She was also feeling like her website just didn’t reflect the level of business she really wants to have.
When she first started out, Christa asked her fiancé to take some photos of her for her website. In her words, “The photos weren’t terrible, they served a purpose, but I have a new purpose now in my business.”
What’s her new purpose?
To expand and serve MORE people! Christa knows that she would not be able to get where she wants to go and fulfill this expanding purpose with the same photography and the same strategy. That’s why she came to me.
One of the reasons Christa chose to work with me is that she really needs someone who can strategize with her, think bigger picture about where she is taking her business, and help her “get clear on what images were the best for her” in terms of her marketing plan.
Of course, we also connected on a human level too. Christa shared with me, “Getting to know you, I could tell you were someone who cared about her clients. I loved your philosophy, your approach. On the day of photography, I just felt like you made it really fun for me, I felt really comfortable and you brought out my personality in the photos.”
Christa is excited about her “curated collection” of images which she is using to:
• Communicate to website visitors that working with her is an investment
• Save time because she no longer has to scramble to find images for her social media content
• Easily communicate her uniqueness and how she can really help her clients
• Expand her speaking opportunities
• Create and schedule her social media content faster and easier
For everyone interested in connecting with and learning more about Christa and her programs, find her here.
AND, for anyone ready to take their website and social media to a whole new level, grab a call time to see if photography is the right next step for your brand.
About Melissa
Melissa Henry, CEO of Melissa Demple Photography, helps speakers, authors, and entrepreneurs become KNOWN. Walk away feeling like a rock star with powerful clarity on your personal brand, including unique images that wow your target audience and help you sell out your programs, books and win those coveted keynote spots!
Quoted in Forbes and Entrepreneur and featured in Thrive Global as well as on podcasts such as The Rita Made Me Do It Show, No Fat Cats, and Two Girls Talking, Melissa understands the challenges of standing out in the crowded marketplace and will make sure you & your business do too!
With extensive expertise in consulting and over a decade building her own brand, Melissa provides an extraordinary experience for purpose-driven entrepreneurs who want to become known as experts, thought leaders, and seven-figure business owners.