“I hate photos – I never love the way I look in them!”
My client, Sarah, told me this the first time we spoke. I hear words like these all the time, by the way.
What’s interesting is that Sarah is such a CONFIDENT person! She’s the COO for a company that operates several popular restaurants in the DMV area. She’s also running for political office in her state.
Yet, the idea of being photographed kinda made her want to run screaming in the opposite direction.
Do you feel confident in your brand photos?
Many of my clients feel super confident about what they do for their clients. There is no doubt that they are experts in their field and they consistently make a big impact on their clients. Yet when it comes to the images they have for their brand, it’s like a total disconnect.
Either the only professional image they have is a headshot and they use images taken on cell phones OR, the images they have don’t really connect with the people they really want to attract.
But then it feels way too uncomfortable to even think about having a photography session for their brand because they don’t feel secure about how they look in photographs.
Feeling “some kinda way” about a brand photo session?
So, to help all of you who are feeling “some kinda way” about a brand photo session, I have some tips to help you feel more confident in your brand photos going in:
1. When looking for the right brand photographer for you, you’ll want to meet with them via a discovery call over video. I find this to be the BEST way to get a feel for personality fit and how comfortable you feel with them. If you don’t actually feel comfortable with them and how they interact with you, you will not feel comfortable on a shoot with them either.
2. Make sure the photographer you choose helps you come up with image ideas that are intentionally matched to your brand. This means the images should be connected to your brand elements and pair well with the topics you commonly speak and write about. You’ll feel more CONNECTED to the outcome of the session.
3. Practice self-care in the days leading up to your shoot! Get a manicure and pedicure, get LOTS of sleep, exercise, meditate. Just make it a plan to de-stress in any way that helps you. A brand photography session can and should be a FUN experience. Feeling good physically and mentally will give you a confident attitude on the day of your shoot.
4. Last but not least, I highly recommend that you look for a photographer who can arrange for a professional hair and makeup artist and provide guidance on the types of outfits and accessories to bring to your session.
There is nothing like looking your best on the outside to make you feel great on the inside!
Back to my lovely client, Sarah. When she received her brand images, she said, “You can really see who I AM in these photos. I actually enjoyed having photos taken for a change!”
Let your ideal client see who you really are!
My hope is that with these tips, and the right brand photographer, you will also show up as the most confident version of you. I want YOU to be so excited that you’ll want to use your beautiful library of brand images right away!
Get on a call with me and tell me, do these tips help you feel better about getting in front of that camera?
About Melissa
Melissa Henry, CEO of Melissa Demple Photography, helps speakers, authors, and entrepreneurs become KNOWN. Walk away feeling like a rock star with powerful clarity on your personal brand, including unique images that wow your target audience and help you sell out your programs, books and win those coveted keynote spots!
Quoted in Forbes and Entrepreneur and featured in Thrive Global as well as on podcasts such as The Rita Made Me Do It Show, No Fat Cats, and Two Girls Talking, Melissa understands the challenges of standing out in the crowded marketplace and will make sure you & your business do too!
With extensive expertise in consulting and over a decade building her own brand, Melissa provides an extraordinary experience for purpose-driven entrepreneurs who want to become known as experts, thought leaders, and seven-figure business owners.