A new brand.
Your brand isn’t your company name.
I was on my 3rd cup of coffee and felt like I was going to start tearing my hair out. “What’s a better word for impact?” I think my husband was getting a little tired of brainstorming at this point.
You see, I had just quit my job and was taking my business from side hustle to full time. At the same time, I was going from photographing sweet little newborn babies to helping successful entrepreneurial women up-level their brand.
A rebrand for my business was definitely required.
BUT, searching the thesaurus for the perfect words I could use to re-name my business, I was spending countless hours on that instead of creating content, networking and connecting with potential clients.
Was I procrastinating? Well, yeah, that’s certainly part of it but what I really was doing was focusing on the wrong part of my brand first. I was so concerned with having the perfect company name without realizing that discovering my brand would be the only way to come up with the right name in the first place.
Ah, that perfection thing again. It was getting me nowhere.
So, after all those hours of brainstorming, I decided to just keep “Melissa Demple Photography” as my company name and keep my original logo!
I stopped worrying about making changes to the outward appearance of my business.
Instead, I began working with a branding company and started on my own brand journey. I went deep into the true problem I solve for my clients, who those clients really are, what their desires are and how I can help them transform and achieve their business dreams.
Creating a brand that reflects my full value
Now, I’m changing my business AGAIN! It’s time for my business to transform into a company that helps women entrepreneurs with strategy, brand photography and implementation!
Clearly, my current name and logo don’t really encompass the full value of what I can do for my clients. Instead of STARTING with my company name and a new logo, I’m investing in rebranding my business the right way!
Yup, it’s back to the drawing board to hone in on what has changed in my brand so that I can have a clear understanding of how to achieve the vision I have for my business.
I’m 100% confident that a new name and logo will come in time and I cannot wait to share it with you then.
So, what is happening with your brand this year?
Get on a call with me and let me know what successes and challenges you are having with your brand.
By the way, do you have a copy of my Boost Your Brand guide?
What, you don’t!?! Oh no, let’s fix that! Grab your copy by following the link below!
About Melissa
Melissa Henry, CEO of Melissa Demple Photography, helps speakers, authors, and entrepreneurs become KNOWN. Walk away feeling like a rock star with powerful clarity on your personal brand, including unique images that wow your target audience and help you sell out your programs, books and win those coveted keynote spots!
Quoted in Forbes and Entrepreneur and featured in Thrive Global as well as on podcasts such as The Rita Made Me Do It Show, No Fat Cats, and Two Girls Talking, Melissa understands the challenges of standing out in the crowded marketplace and will make sure you & your business do too!
With extensive expertise in consulting and over a decade building her own brand, Melissa provides an extraordinary experience for purpose-driven entrepreneurs who want to become known as experts, thought leaders, and seven-figure business owners.