When I first started my business, I was really throwing myself out there. I thought I should be on all the social media platforms and attend as many networking events as I could.
But the thing is, my ideal client wasn’t noticing me, or if they were, they didn’t really see enough of me because I wasn’t being consistent in my own branding. I was running around like a chicken with my head cut off and wasn’t able to be consistent because I was exhausted!
What I finally realized was that I hadn’t really defined my own brand. I was trying to market without really knowing what made me truly different and without knowing who I really wanted to reach.
Head smack moment for sure!
Fast forward to today…now that I’ve got my brand foundation figured out, I know where I should be on social media, I know what content I should be producing AND I know what images I need for all my social media and promotional posts.
Life is so much better now that I am not trying to be everywhere and be all things to all people. All too often, business owners will want to begin marketing themselves on social media and other places without having a clear idea of what they stand for. They will invest in a brand photo session or video for their business and then wonder why these marketing assets aren’t working for them.
But here’s the thing…branding comes BEFORE marketing!
Seriously, don’t invest in a professional, personal brand photo shoot before you have a few branding elements in place so that you know what your session should really be about.
So then, where do you start? Get clear on your brand elements!
1. Know the one, overarching problem you solve
2. Get really specific, all the details, about your ideal client/target audience
3. Know what makes you UNIQUE
Once you have these three things identified, THEN you can really start getting more visible. You will be able to create much more intentional content to get you noticed.
This is a PERFECT time to start looking for the right photographer to help you create photos that you can use to attract the RIGHT people to you.
You’ll feel so confident using these images on social media, your newsletters, blog posts, lead pages, website, and everywhere else you need high-quality images!
If you are getting stuck on any of these elements, let’s talk! Grab a call time on my calendar so we can talk about your brand and see if we can get you UN-stuck.

About Melissa
Hey there…I’m Melissa Henry, CEO of Melissa Demple Photography. I help speakers and entrepreneurs become KNOWN. Walk away feeling like a rock star with powerful clarity on your personal brand, including unique images that wow your target audience.
I provide an extraordinary, custom experience for purpose-driven business owners who are ready to sell out their programs and build a six or seven-figure business. With expertise in consulting a Fortune-500 company and over a decade building my own brand, I understand the challenge of standing out in the crowded marketplace and I’ll make sure you and your business do! This won’t be your average photoshoot!
Ready to take things to the next level and stand out as the face of your business?
Get on a call with me and let’s talk through some ideas together!