Even though you may be ready to ditch using stock photos in your business, you may be wondering how you can create photos for your brand.
It can be tempting to skip over figuring out what images might connect you better with your ideal target audience. The trouble is, that’s really the best place to start. If you follow this plan you’ll have so much more clarity and direction and it will be so much easier to create photos for your brand and pair those images with your written content.
Are you ready to dig in then?
Perfect! Let’s get started…
Grab a notebook and a pen. Go ahead, I’ll wait. 😉
Okay, now, I want you to think about the type of client you MOST want to work with and answer the following questions, in as much detail as you can:
- What are the basic demographics of your target audience? This is everything from their age, gender, marital status, how many kids they have, where they live, what type of car they drive, what they do for a living, education level, etc. You want to define these things on a list so you can refer back to them often when you are creating any of your content.
- What is the main problem you solve for your clients and how do you solve it? Yes, pick only the most important problem!
- How do you want your clients to FEEL when they work with you?
- How are you different from your competition?
- What stories in your life can connect you to your target audience?
Putting it all together…
After you’ve done this work, go back through what you have written and start highlighting words and phrases that make images pop-up in your mind when you read them.
Here’s what I mean…
One of my clients, Holly Myles, a travel agent who specializes in Disney vacations, told me that she juggles all the details for her clients so they can just go on their vacation and relax knowing everything is all arranged. Immediately, what popped into my head was her juggling a bunch of colorful balls in the air. She doesn’t know how to juggle but even so, we created this image for her brand, combining that idea of juggling all the things with the colorful nature of her brand and her fun personality.
Try this for yourself and see how you can create photos for your brand too!
Want more help and inspiration?
Join my Facebook group, Get Visible-Grow Your Biz, and learn even more about creating photos for your brand AND connect with other business owners who are building their brands too!
If you find after going through this exercise, you find you need more help designing and creating your brand images? I offer complementary clarity calls during which we will talk about what images you must have for YOUR business and determine whether hiring a professional photographer is the right next step for you.
Whether or not we are a good fit to work together, you’ll walk away from our call knowing:
- What images you need for your unique brand
- When the time is RIGHT for you to invest your marketing dollars in a photographer
- How to prepare for when you ARE ready to take that step
So, grab a 20 minute call time on my calendar and let’s talk!